
The Articles of the Synod of Dort is unavailable, but you can change that!

In his introductory essay, Samuel Miller notes that the “convocation and proceedings of the Synod of Dort may be considered as among the most interesting events of the seventeenth century.” Not “merely a meeting of the select divines of a single nation,” the 1618–1619 synod was “a convention of the Calvinistic world, to bear testimony against a rising and obtrusive error; to settle a question in...

as a pre-requisite cause or condition in the man who should be elected, but unto faith, and unto the obedience of faith, holiness, &c. And, therefore, (or truly, proinde) election is the fountain of every saving benefit; whence faith, holiness, and the other salutary gifts, and finally, eternal life itself, flow as its fruit and effect, according to that word of the Apostle: “He hath chosen us (not because we were, but) that we might be holy, and without blame before him in love.” Eph. 1:4. 10. Now
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